Wednesday, October 8, 2014

EC-6 Science Options Recommendation

Sent to EC-6 Committee:

It appears then the courses we recommended to be developed and included in the science course inventories were not to be included. If this is the case, we'll work on getting these developed at a later time. The choices below are rigid and do not allow to address specific areas in which teachers and EC-6 students struggle.

If this is what we have then the choice must be a selection from three hour science courses to not increase the program hours beyond 126. Therefore, the courses in combination should not exceed 6 hours. My recommendations under this situation would include either of these two combinations; however, my preference would be Option 1.

Option 1
ENVR 2355: Natural Disasters
This course will explore hazardous Earth processes, including landslides, subsidence, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, as well as the nature and effects of human interaction with the environment.

GEOG 2313 Principles of Geography Physics Elementary
An introduction to physical geography with emphasis on weather, ocean currents and climates. Soils and vegetation types and distributions are also studied. Can be counted in the supporting areas of elementary education curriculum.​


Option 2
ASTR 1401: Introduction to Astronomy I
This course introduces the student to basic concepts in Astronomy and of our Solar System. Telescopes and other instruments, including the planetarium, are used as an integral part of the course. The course includes three laboratory hours a week to emphasize course concepts.

PSCI 4210 Physical Science for Educators I
This is the first part of hands on physical science course designed for education majors in EC-8 programs. The course will provide the students with basic theoretical background in physical science (properties of matter, mechanics, waves), and will develop skills in physical experimentation.​

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